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Memes, memes everywhere

Memes, memes everywhere
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2016 was a ‘meme-ntous’ year. Memes saw people round the world pretend to be mannequins, they impacted the US presidential election, and nearly led the UK government to name a ship “Boaty McBoatface”. You can read our report on marketing with memes here or read our op-ed in the IBTimes on the effect memes had on Trump’s victory in the US election.

Memes are nothing new: they have been a staple of culture and communications for thousands of years. What is new is the speed with which memes are created, adapted, and spread around the world via social media.

Today, Internet memes are being used to great effect by brands, third-sector organisations and political movements (from the “alt-right” to their far-left alternatives). Opportunities abound for entities who use them well. If you work in communications you need to understand where Internet memes come from, how they work, and how you can use them. This report answers those questions. Enjoy it and get in touch with queries.

Memes, Memes Everywhere from Cast From Clay

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Image credit: Emmanuel Denier on Unsplash.

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