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Branding a think tank of the future

How we turned a Brussels think tank into a cultural powerhouse.

Branding a think tank of the future

The future will be strange. And we helped Center for Future Generations build a brand that embraces it.

When the CFG came to us, they were already making waves in Brussels. A think tank that grew from zero to 40 experts in 12 months, tackling everything from AI to biotech. But their brand felt too safe for an organisation asking such provocative questions about our technological future.

So we threw out the think tank playbook. No more navy blue. No more photos of glass buildings. We created a brand strategy that captures both the excitement and uncertainty of technological change, while staying very human. A simplified name, new quirky voice, bold gradients, abstract patterns, and a digital-first platform that puts their fascinating work center stage. Because when you’re helping shape humanity’s future, you can’t afford to look like everyone else.

But don’t listen to us, read their Chief Communications Officer Rowan Emslie on why and how we did what we did.

This has been a herculean effort, and you’ve managed to make it a smooth and fun process – despite the time pressure.

Philipp Kienemund Digital Communications Manager

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